Thursday, March 24, 2011

About daily painters

I have been most curious about a new trend coming from the west coast (what else is new).artist that call themselves, “Daily Painters”.
Daily painting is not only the act of creating art as a full-time practice - it is a discipline that These artists hold to. Most of the artwork is done on a small format, allowing the artist to broaden their subject matter, perhaps quite different than their signature work. In the past several years, This tend has grown to hundreds of artists adopting this practice, creating a lively community of daily painters on the internet. 

I joined a group called Fresh Paint Daily Painters. You have to be juried in, I made the cut as an associate artist. One must be active in blogging, So I have committed myself to be a more active blogger. I hope this helps my chances to be excepted as full Member in the future

Currently, there are many online galleries, discussion groups and workshops all about daily painting. Daily painters ostensibly paint everyday, with occasional breaks taken for research, study, experimenting with techniques as well as the events in everyday life.

1 comment:

c.dingman said...

I found your work through the Fresh Paint Daily Painters. It is some of the best artwork on that site.