Monday, May 2, 2011

1950 Studebaker close encounter

1950 Studabaker was a really cool car in the mid 50's. It resembled a jet with it's pointed grill. 

My brother Chuck once had a brush with this Studebaker. My mother sent him to the grocery store. Chuck wasn't looking when crossing the street and got tapped. Chuck was lucky,  I could not imagine getting hit with the pointed grill. The releaved driver of the Studabaker drove him home unharmed. Mom never asked him to go to the store for a long time. 
This is a 6x6 oil Painting on Ampersand Gesso Bord and being autioned on Ebay for a starting bid of $49.00 Check out the Auction

1 comment:

c.dingman said...

Nice brushstrokes. The complimentary color scheme works so well for this subject.