Monday, January 31, 2011

Today's Daily Painting, "The Ice Cream Vendor"

“The Ice Cream Vendor”, today’s daily painting. This was suppose to be a campanion to “Toy Store”, but it will not, unless I reduce the time line for this painting.  If it takes me more than on hour and a half, I will not have the class time to mentor and give the amount of facetime to the students. Maybe if I remove the other pedestrians and just leave the vender, old woman, and two girls, it may work for a small class. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011


If you do not want to post on facebook, you can do it on my blog at:


I saw this blog where artist do a painting each day, a small painting 6x6 inches. This is a good idea for all my facebook students. The Idea is to do a small painting per day, okay, for many of us, maybe one per week. It would have to be a non-class painting of your own design. I’m thinking I would have a page on my website to show-off the talent of my students.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Working on the Website, Hard Word.

Slow moving on building a website when you don't know much about it. Decided on a Gallery Look.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lost Weekend

Spent most of the weekend on my computer learning about video. Tonight was great, Lobster and Ice Cream (not together).